Editorial Fellowship
The American Journal Of Interventional Radiology (AJIR) offers one-year position for an Editorial Fellowship. The fellowship allows for an immersive experience in the editorial administration of a peer-reviewed journal.
Major Responsibilities:
- Evaluate submissions for technical modifications and request changes from authors
- Evaluate modifications before submission for peer review
- Select and invite peer reviewers most appropriate for a specific submission
- Evaluate reviews and communicate reviewers comments/suggestions to authors
- Final evaluation and acceptance of the revised manuscript
The editorial platform is optimized with templates and “pick lists” to make repetitive tasks more efficient.
The Editorial fellow works closely with senior editors, who provide guidance and instruction in evaluating the quality of submissions and working with authors to enhance their contributions to Interventional Radiology. Attention to detail and excellent communications skills are vital to a successful experience.
Please send a letter of interest (including qualifications, educational background, level of training, and how the fellowship will help your professional goals) to the Associate Editor butaniAJIR@gmail.com. The selection process spans from September through December, each year, with new fellows commencing each year in January.
Timothy Nobbee, MD
The editorial fellowship has given me valuable insight, which I apply to my research submissions, as I navigate the often complex submission process. Being on the front end of a publication has also been educational. It, has allowed me to deepen my understanding of upcoming trends and evolving practice techniques in interventional radiology. In addition, as a fellow, I had the opportunity to work with authors and reviewers from all around the globe, and interface with many different communities within interventional radiology.
Michael Leshen, MD
The fellowship was an outstanding mentorship. It gave me insight into the workflow of medical journals. From paper submission through revisions and decisions, I now feel like I better understand an editor’s thought process.